What is AM Stereo?

AM Stereo is the technology that allows AM radio stations to broadcast with high-fidelity Stereophonic sound, far exceeding the quality normally associated with regular monaural AM radio. AM Stereo provides clear full-dimensional Stereo sound that envelops the listener with fidelity usually thought of as something only found on the FM band. AM Stereo has been used all around the world for over two decades and is employed by hundreds of stations on every continent. Since its introduction, millions of AM Stereo receivers have been sold for home, car, and portable listening enjoyment.

AM Stereo is a robust analog system that has been optimized for high performance reception and audio quality even with weak, distant signals. The greater long-distance range of AM signals, especially at night, regularly brings forth stations from hundreds or even thousands of miles away featuring true Stereo sound, something the FM band is incapable of. And yet, AM Stereo is fully compatible with all regular monaural AM radios, and in fact even provides listeners who do not have an AM Stereo-capable radio with a better sound quality, due to the higher technical standards that AM Stereo stations are held to.

AM Stereo provides the highest quality of AM radio enjoyment available with today's refined and secure analog technologies, without the prohibitive expense and unproven, troublesome performance of the currently experimental digital AM broadcast systems such as IBOC, "HD Radio", and DRM. AM Stereo is affordable to implement, both for radio stations transmitting it and for radio sets receiving it, and it is an investment that is backed with an established base of use and support all around the world that now dates back more than 20 years.

The benefits of AM Stereo are well suited to every programming format, as its greater realism and superior frequency response adds just as much enjoyment and excitement to news and talk programs as it does to music. Sporting events and live performances especially come alive in Stereo with stunningly realistic detail, while voice and music is received with greater clarity and richness of sound, even if monaural audio sources are used. Commercials, jingles, and station IDs are particularly effective at immediately catching the listener's attention when they are broadcast with dramatic Stereo effects.

Stereophonic sound has been a part of FM and TV broadcasting for decades, so much that it is taken for granted. Nobody would settle for hearing bland, lifeless mono sound from these sources. So why settle for monaural, low-fidelity sound on the AM radio band? AM Stereo allows it to come to life with the quality and fidelity that has been sorely lacking for decades. Now, you can finally enjoy AM radio the way it was meant to be heard. That is the AM Stereo Advantage!